What is SSH?

SSH is a protocol used for security while connecting to a remote server. The ssh command utilizes this protocol to transfer data between the client and the host in an encrypted form.

How to set up SSH keys?

  1. Generate SSH Keys
  2. Name your SSH keys
  3. Enter a password (optional)
  4. Move the public key to the remote system
  5. Test your connection.

What is SSH key pair?

Each SSH key pair includes two keys called: a public key and a private key. Anyone who has a copy of the public key can encrypt data, but this data can only be read by a person holding the corresponding private key.

Where is SSH private key?

If you use the default name, your private key will be stored in “/root/. ssh/id_rsa”.

What is Linux?

Linus Torvalds developed Linux, a Unix-like, free, open-source, and kernel operating system. Mainly it is designed for systems, servers, embedded devices, mobile devices, and mainframes and is also supported on major computer platforms such as ARM, x86, and SPARC.

Linux is a type of computer operating system, like Windows or macOS. What makes Linux special is that it’s open-source, meaning its inner workings are freely available for anyone to see and use.

Here are some key points about Linux:

  1. Free and Open: Linux is free to use, and its source code is open for everyone. This means people can customize and share it.
  2. Runs Many Things: Linux is used on servers, computers, and even small devices like smartphones. It’s versatile and can run on many types of hardware.
  3. Stable and Secure: Linux is known for being stable, meaning it doesn’t crash often. It’s also secure, which is important for protecting information on a computer.
  4. Command or Click: Linux can be controlled using commands typed in a text interface or with a graphical interface, where you click on icons and windows.
  5. Different Versions: There are many versions of Linux, called distributions or distros. Each one may have unique features and looks, but they all use the Linux kernel at their core.

Overall, Linux is a powerful and reliable choice for various types of computing tasks, from running websites to powering everyday computers.

Define the basic components of Linux.

Linux, like any operating system, is composed of several key components that work together to provide a functioning environment for users and applications. Here are the basic components of Linux:


The kernel is the core component of the Linux operating system. It manages system resources, communicates with hardware devices, and provides essential services to other parts of the operating system.


The shell is the command-line interface that allows users to interact with the operating system by typing commands. It interprets user input and executes commands, making it a crucial component for system administration and scripting.


The filesystem organizes and stores files and directories on storage devices like hard drives or solid-state drives. Linux supports various filesystem types, such as ext4, XFS, and Btrfs.

System Libraries:

System libraries are collections of code that provide essential functions and services to applications. They act as an interface between the kernel and software applications, helping programs communicate with the underlying hardware.

Shell Utilities:

Linux includes a set of command-line utilities and tools that perform various tasks. These utilities cover a wide range of functionalities, including file manipulation, text processing, networking, and system administration.

User Interface:

Linux offers both command-line interfaces (CLI) and graphical user interfaces (GUI). The CLI allows users to interact with the system through text commands, while the GUI provides a visual environment with windows, icons, and menus.

System Initialization:

The system initialization process is managed by init systems such as Systemd or SysVinit. It starts essential system services, configures hardware, and prepares the system for user interactions.

Device Drivers:

Device drivers are software components that allow the operating system to communicate with and control hardware devices such as printers, graphics cards, and network interfaces.

Package Management:

Linux uses package management systems (e.g., APT, Yum, Pacman) to install, update, and remove software packages. These systems automate the process of software installation and dependency resolution.

User Management:

Linux supports multiple users, and user management involves creating, modifying, and deleting user accounts. Each user has their own home directory and permissions to access specific resources.
These components work together to create a stable and versatile operating system environment. Different Linux distributions may include additional components or customize existing ones to meet specific needs and preferences.


What’s Certbot?

Certbot is a free, open-source software tool for automatically managing SSL/TLS certificates. It is developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and is designed to simplify the process of obtaining, renewing, and configuring SSL certificates for websites.

Key features and aspects of Certbot include:

SSL/TLS Certificate Management:

Certbot automates the process of obtaining and renewing SSL/TLS certificates from the Let’s Encrypt Certificate Authority. Let’s Encrypt provides free SSL certificates, allowing website owners to enable HTTPS for secure communication.

Let’s Encrypt Integration:

Certbot is specifically designed to work seamlessly with Let’s Encrypt, making it easy for users to obtain and install SSL certificates without cost.

Automated Certificate Renewal:

Certbot includes an automatic renewal feature, ensuring that SSL certificates are renewed before they expire. This helps in maintaining the security of websites without manual intervention.

Web Server Integration:

Certbot integrates with various web servers, including Apache, Nginx, and others. It can automatically configure the webserver to use the obtained SSL certificates, simplifying the setup process.

Command-Line Interface (CLI):

Certbot is primarily used through the command line, providing a set of commands that users can execute to obtain and manage SSL certificates. It also supports different modes of operation, making it versatile for various server configurations.

Plugin Architecture:

Certbot has a plugin architecture that allows users to extend its functionality. Users can create or use plugins to integrate Certbot with different web servers or deploy certificates in custom ways.

Wide Platform Support:

Certbot is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, and more. It is well-supported across different platforms.
Here’s an example of using Certbot to obtain and install a certificate for an Apache web server:

sudo certbot --apache

This command prompts Certbot to interactively guide you through the process of obtaining and configuring an SSL certificate for your Apache web server.

Certbot has become a popular and widely used tool in the web development community for securing websites with HTTPS.